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Monthly budget
Simplify Your Finances with This Free Excel Monthly Budgeting Template 
Managing your finances effectively is essential for achieving financial stability and reaching your goals. To help you take control of your budgeting process, I am excited to share a free Excel monthly...
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Study in the USA Series
STEP 1: Do Your Research This step can be challenging since you may be unfamiliar with the US educational system. I recommend watching videos to understand the US system of education, such as the one...
Picture At CNM
5 steps to Study in the USA
One of the most common questions I receive from Cameroonians is how to study in the USA. What steps do I need to take? How do I choose and apply to colleges, and which colleges are the best? In this post,...
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Revisiting the lessons i learned from my sister's death
Two years ago, i wrote a blog post for a platform called Thinkinary, about the lessons I learned from my sisters dead. I didn’t think I will go back to reading that post again but the tragic death...
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