The Story behind this Blog

Five months ago, when I had the idea to start my blog, I was excited. I thought to myself, “This is a great idea. I have so much to share with the world.” But soon that feeling of excitement quickly turned to a feeling of mediocracy. I found myself continuously doubting myself and my capabilities. Ten days ago, as I was scrolling down Instagram, I came across a post from Dan Koe, that said something about you being your own niche. Then I had an epiphany. This is exactly what I needed. If you know me, you know that I have so many interests and desires ranging from technology to art to business, fashion, etc. I want to learn, do, and try so many things, that in a world that rewards and promotes specialization (particularly good by the way), being a jack of all trades did not seem to be discussed or encouraged. 

Another reason for my feelings of mediocrity was that I was consumed by selfdoubt. Could I do this? Do I write well? What if no one reads it? Etc. But then one way to find out these answers was to get out of my comfort zone and try. What not? What if you inspire just one person? What if you help just one person learn something that may happen to change their life? I thought to this to myself. So here are four reasons why I am starting this blog. 


To write a blog I wish I read when I was younger

When I finished high school in Cameroon, I remember being confused and lost about steps to take next. What should I study at university? Should I go to a professional school? My parents tried to direct me in all the best ways they thought right for me, but I wish I knew someone who had gone through that process or was in that process. Someone to give me guidance, resources, and tips. Etc. Unfortunately, I did not find anyone, and I had to navigate that aspect of my life alone.


To share my experiences, lessons and resources with you

Throughout my four years in the USA, I have learned a lot and have become more aware of free resources that help me and can help others in various aspects of their life. From free skills, you can learn online to lessons I wished I learned sooner.


To share my projects (portfolio)  

I am currently in my junior year in college, and so far in my degree I have done some amazing (if I say so myself) projects that I think could inspire others in one way or another. My project page is divided into two sections, my school projects (mostly computer projects) and one section for my Bucket list.  


For Me – to tell my story  

I will not lie; this blog is for me as much as it is for you. It is a way to control my narrative and tell my story with my voice and with my words.  


It is my hope that you leave this blog anytime that I post content feeling inspired and ready to take on the world.  


What are some things you want me to write about? Feel free to tell me in the comment section or send a message to me through my contact page. 



With Lots of Love, 


6 thoughts on “The Story behind this Blog”

  1. I am so happy for you my baby. I am proud you didn’t listen to your negative thoughts keep climbing you will go places. Congratulations

  2. A big step ahead congratulations Mum the sky is not your limit but heaven is your summit.
    Hoping to be reading beautiful articles from your page. Once more congratulations.

  3. Barah Alfred Kiven

    This is amazing. Go on girl. You have no limit here. You got it all within you. Your humility, simplicity, hardwork and respect will pay. Keep it up and don’t give up. Dream BIG my dear.

  4. Please do feel encouraged to keep writing. Your truth is definitely someone else’s. Write on girl👌🏼

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